Monday, November 9, 2020

Facebook Horizon 'Women In VR' Horizon Museum

Attended 'Women In VR' held by #Facebook #horizonmuseum tonight and had an opportunity to experience meeting other women. 

As more people joined, a question was answered about the number of people that would be able to attend an event before the experience would be degraded. The answer to that is about 20 attendees which would not be ideal for large venues.

I remain optimistic that the Max Headroom audio and the glitches will be addressed because we are all in the process of learning. We are venturing down paths that we have never been before with futuristic technology many of us thought we would never see in our lifetime.

There were other worlds that the system would not let me visit because of the volume of avatars visiting the museum. That is exciting. Frustrating, yes and that's okay. From my perspective, unforeseen challenges are to be expected as we journey with VR.

Facebook has some of the largest datacenters in the world so it's difficult to believe that it may be a server capacity limitation. Unless it is reliant on VM and it was not forecasted to have that many women in attendance. 

VR is new enough that we are all learning lessons as we go along and it's amazing that so many of us women were interested enough to break the performance. To me, that is a pleasant win.
With this pandemic, it is exciting to imagine a new way of networking and meeting new people while social distancing.

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